
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

15 Best Nail Art Manis of 2014!

Hello!! I'm back! It's been a busy and fun week or 2 so I apologize for the quiet here on the blog. We've had lots of family time and holidays to celebrate-- my 28th birthday, Christmas, Mr. Adventures In Acetone's 30th birthday, and yesterday was our 9th wedding anniversary! The second half of December is always a bit nuts around here but I love it! Now that it's starting to slow down, I'm ready to get back into painting my nails and posting for you all! The end of the year is near, and I like to look back and reflect on all of the manis I've worn this year. I've narrowed them down to my 15 favorites so let's take a look!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Candy Cane Nail Art!

Good morning, readers! Merry Christmas Eve! Today, I have some simple holiday nail art for you that I created by following another tutorial in Idiot's Guides: Nail Art that I reviewed yesterday! If you missed that post, check it out HERE! There were a handful of Christmas tutorials but this one was calling out to me the most ever since I opened the book.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Idiot's Guides: Nail Art (Book Review)

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Emily from The Lacquerologist published a BOOK! That is just so awesome and I couldn't be happier for my fellow blogging friend! I received a copy of Idiot's Guides: Nail Art to review and share with you all today because it's full of nail art tutorials! With over 75 tutorials and categorized by difficulty level, there is something for everyone to try. Emily is a nail technician at her own nail spa so there are also really informative pages about nail care, polishing, gel polish, nail art basics and more. I've followed one of my favorite tutorials from the book as well, so let's take a look!

Friday, December 19, 2014

JORD Wood Watch Review + Nail Art!

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Good morning, readers! I have a cool post to share today, complete with a GIVEAWAY! Have you heard of JORD Watches before? They are made of wood! That is such a neat concept to me that I was really happy to have the opportunity to review one. Of course I just had to do some wood grain nail art to coordinate!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tutorial Tuesday: Polar Bear Nail Art!

Good morning, readers! I have a tutorial for you this week! It's a cute little polar bear that I wore on an accent nail during Winter Wonderland Week. He is cute and fairly easy to do if you have some dotting tools and a thin brush, so I hope you will try this design on your own nails!

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen DOES Winter Wonderland, Day 5: Gingerbread House!

Good afternoon, readers! It's the final day of Winter Wonderland Week with The Digit-al Dozen! Today's nail art was inspired by a gingerbread house! Do you make them at home? We haven't yet this year, but it's something on our list to do very soon! I used textured polishes for the candy and icing to give it a little extra depth.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen DOES Winter Wonderland, Day 4: Polar Bear

Good morning, readers! My friend Ashley Is PolishAddicted suggested that I do a polar bear once she saw my Rudolf Tutorial Tuesday post this week, so that's what I've done for Day 4 of Winter Wonderland Week with The Digit-al Dozen! I'm not sure why it never crossed my mind because polar bears are SO CUTE, but I'm really happy with how he turned out. It may end up being next week's Tutorial Tuesday design as well! My other nails have a texture gradient over white snowflakes that I created by using the KBShimmer's Winter Holiday Vinyl Nail Decal Sheet

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen DOES Winter Wonderland, Day 3: Abstract Blizzard

Good afternoon, readers! It's Day 3 of Winter Wonderland Week with The Digit-al Dozen and I've gone very wintery with this manicure. I'm calling it Abstract Blizzard because of the swirls and mixing of white and blues. Thankfully, I have never been in a blizzard, but I'm sure some of you have! Nicole from Nail Polish Wars posted a similar design yesterday and I just had to try it in wintery colors for this challenge once I saw it!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tutorial Tuesday, The Digit-al Dozen DOES Winter Wonderland, Day 2: Rudolf Nail Art!

Good morning, readers! It has been 2 months since my last Tutorial Tuesday post and I am so happy to have one today! In case you want to see all of the other tutorials I've done, take a look at the Tutorials Tab at the top of this blog! This will make my 35th tutorial so there are tons of different ones to choose from!

It's Winter Wonderland Week with The Digit-al Dozen and I've done a Reindeer/Rudolf mani! I had a lot of tutorial requests lately for my actual Rudolf mani that featured Bumble from the Rudolf movie. I may or may not get to do one for that, but this was more cutesy and "my style" so I figured I would share this one first.

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen DOES Winter Wonderland, Day 1: Winter Is Coming

Good afternoon, readers! It's a new Digit-al Dozen nail art week and our theme is Winter Wonderland. I'm sure I'll have some cheerful winter/Christmas themed manis this week but today is something entirely different.

Are you a Game of Thrones fan? I pretty much can't hear anything about winter without thinking Winter is Coming. It's the motto for House Stark, and it's a reminder to be prepared for when winter arrives and hits their land the hardest. I've decided to recreate a wallpaper I found with the motto and their sigil of a direwolf.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Christmas Nail Art Idea Round-up!

Good afternoon, readers! Monday starts Winter Wonderland Week with The Digit-al Dozen and I've been going through some of my old ideas for Christmas/winter nails from the past few years. Today's post is a round up of my previous nail art looks to hopefully give you some ideas for this holiday season!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Grunge Fairy Nail Art

Good afternoon, readers! I really love the grunge/worn/acid wash type nail art techniques but I don't always want grungy color palettes on my nails. I think it's the non-perfection of lines or designs that draw me in so I wanted to do something a little more "girly" with that idea in mind today. I guess we can call this Grunge Fairy! 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Holiday Glam Nails with Q-Tips Precision Tips!


Good morning, readers! It's time to start planning your looks for the upcoming holiday parties! Today's manicure is an idea for a holiday glam look for your nails! It will go perfectly with your holiday dress, or even work well at your ugly sweater celebration! Read on for a step by step, you may be surprised to see how I used Q-tips Precision Tips to create this look!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Gift of the Melly: Jacki's Who-ville Christmas Swatches + GIVEAWAY!

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Good morning, readers! It's DECEMBER!! How did that happen? Time is flying but I am thrilled that it's Christmas time! We've put up our Christmas tree and started planning our shopping lists. It will be here before we know it. 

This morning's post is exciting! I was asked to take part in the Silly Bee's Chickadees Gift of the Melly this year. It's a collection of collaboration polishes that are inspired by each participating blogger's favorite holiday movie scene. $2 of each bottle sold will be donated to the blogger's charity of choice!