
Monday, August 8, 2011

This Little Piggy Went To The Market...

I recently joined the Facebook group Polish-Aholics Anonymous and this is my first "monday theme mani." The theme was animals and instead of doing the normal animal print, I wanted to do something more out of the ordinary. My friend Heidi showed me a picture of these pig nails and I knew this was what I would do for the theme! Thanks, Heidi! This idea came from Rins at Simply Rins, here, and I tried to duplicate it.
 Another iPhone picture because it takes better pictures at night in my poor-lit house than my real camera. I really need to build a light box!

I used:
Base Coat: OPI Nail Envy
Base Color: Zoya Caitlin
Pig Head: Sinful Colors Star Fish
Pig Ears and Nose: OPI Feelin' Hot Hot Hot!
Details: Sinful Colors Black On Black
Top Coat: Seche Vite(even though I am breaking up with SV, I don't have a replacement yet and this was too many layers for a non-quick dry)

Believe it or not, the hardest part for me were the nostrils. LOL. What do you think? My 3 year old daughter and I enjoyed doing the little piggy nursery rhyme after she saw my nails, hence the title. I even ended up telling her the story of the Three Little Pigs before bed last night. lol

So what do you think? Thanks for reading!


  1. These are adorable! I bet they would even be cute on the toes too!
    Where did you get your inspiration for these?

  2. Disregard last comment, hehe, I re-read the post *blushes*

  3. @cwalker, Thank you!! I agree, they would be cute toes!! ;) that's okay, it's still early!

  4. I love your piggy nails! I should have looked for pictures before I did mine I bet they would have come out better! I like that your whole nail is t the pig like I did it's so cute! I wish my canes were as steady as yours!

  5. @Sarah, thanks! I am not as creative as you and I usually need to look around at ideas before I can do my take on an idea(or duplicate). Just practice practice practice and your hands will get steadier :)

  6. so cute and very creative!!

  7. These are the cutest manicure piggies I've ever seen! :D

  8. @Smita, thanks!!
    @Sandra, thank you!

  9. You are soooo creative! I love this. I think it is soooo cute.

  10. Seriously the cutest thing ever. However, I still want to eat them on my burger, STAT!

  11. @imfeelingnail-venturous, thank you! I ended up liking it more than I thought I would.
    @loodie loodie loodie, thank you! LOL I agree with you, though!

  12. Hi, Jacki!
    Thank you for the credits! I think your version is awesome! I love the blue background color. :)

  13. @Rins, you are so welcome and thank you for the compliment!! I look forward to trying out more of your designs!

  14. too cute!!!
    new follower. got here via the blog list at fb paa.

    hope you visit me too :)

  15. @nails by kate vergara, thanks! I'll go check out your blog now!

  16. How adorable are these? It would be super cute as an accent on your big toe too.

  17. @Jennifer, thank you! I love that idea!

  18. You are amazing at nail art!! I am sooo jealous! This is adorable :)

  19. Wow! I'm not a fan of nail art but this is by far the best example I've ever seen!
