
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 22: Inspired By A Song

Good morning readers!! This was another interesting challenge for me, and I don't think it made for the prettiest nails or colors but I am glad I did it.

My daughter, Hailey, is almost 3 1/2, and this is one of her all time favorite songs. We sing it all the time and it was the first song to pop into my head when I was brainstorming for this challenge. She was a little camera shy for this performance but I am adding this for your viewing pleasure(I had to turn my computer volume up a lot--my camera doesn't seem to record sound loud enough):

And now for my nails:

Hahah, so what do you think? I know my spiders aren't that cute but Hailey LOVED seeing them on my nails and even wanted me to do hers. I say that's a win in my book. Thanks for reading!!

Don't forget my giveaway ends on TOMORROW!!!


  1. This is so awesome!! I love this-your dgtr is so cute!

  2. Adorable! I turned on the Video to watch and Natalie freaked out and we had to watch it again so she could sing along! Lol

  3. Oh my gosh, that is the cutest thing ever! Great job!

  4. This is adorable!
    I love singing that song to my little sister. :)

  5. How adorable! your nails and your kiddo!

  6. There is NOTHING about this post that I don't love! <3

  7. This is absolutely adorable, you did a great job!

  8. Oh my gosh it's so cute. I think you have the best interpretation of this "Day 22" yet! I love the sun, it sticks out and looks so happy. =)

  9. This is so adorable... I'm still far from day 22 (just did day 13), but such a cute idea :)
