
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Barry M Mani!

Good morning, readers! If you saw my nail mail post yesterday, you know that I recieved 3 Barry M polishes in a giveaway. I was so excited about them and they were the first new polishes I tried. I wanted to use all 3 of them, so this is the mani I came up with.

I used: Base Coat of OPI Natural Nail Base Coat
2 coats of Barry M Berry Ice Cream
1 Crackle coat of Barry M White Nail Effects
1 Coat of Barry M Hologram Hexagrams
1 Coat of Out the Door

What are your thoughts? I was impressed with this white crackle! I've heard that Barry M makes the best crackles and I may have to agree! The Berry Ice Cream went on amazingly and I had barely any clean up because it didn't try to flood my cuticles or anything. The hexagrams were a bit tricky to place on the nail because they float in a really thick clear jelly. Even with top coat, they were still a little uneven because I was trying to move around the hexagrams. But I really like my mani and you can only tell if you rub your finger over a nail.

Do you have any Barry M polishes? I definitely want more now! Thanks for reading!


  1. Ooooh fun! I don't have any yet but hopefully soon!

  2. omg i love this mani! how pretty!!
    : D

  3. Really pretty mani, I love the lilac. :)

  4. I have this glitter too and I had the exact same problem with placing them on my nails properly... bu this mani is very cute, and now you know why Barry m is so good for the price it is :D

  5. This is SO pretty! Lovely combo!

  6. That crackle came out so crazy, it just crackled so finely... so interesting! I like the hex glitter, really adds a punch to the mani :D

  7. I love your blog, I'm glad I find It. :]
