
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Challenge Day 6: Play-Doh Nails!

Hello readers! Hope you've had the chance to check out my new additions to my blogsale! There is a tab at the top for easy access!

Time for Day 6 of the challenge day: Child's Favorite Toy Nail Art.

To be honest, I had a hard time trying to figure out what Hailey's favorite toy was yesterday. Then, it dawned on me that it wasn't a doll or stuffed animal, but Play-Doh! She will sit and play for hours on end. So I have some silly nails for you today with Play-Doh on them. She really liked them when she woke up this morning and I showed them to her.

I did a base color of Zoya Skylar because I've really been wanting to try it out. Turns out I love it!!

I used:
Base coat of Cult Nails Get It On
2 coats of Zoya Skylar
Color Club Almost Famous for the yellow tubs
Lid covers: Color Clubs Twiggy, Warhol, Puccilicious, and Wham! Pow!
Zoya Posh and OPI Alpine Snow for the Play-Doh Label
Top coat of Cult Nails Wicked Fast

Here is a silly pic I took of Hailey recently while she was playing with her Play-Doh. "Hurry up and take the picture so I can get back to playing" smile lol

Thanks for reading! 


  1. I love this one Jacki!! I tell ya, your talents never cease to amaze!!! I can't wait until Casey gets a bit older and I can do fun challenges with his interests!

  2. I LOVE HAILEY! She is AWESOME!!!!!!! The nails turned out great!!!!!! Skylar looks soooo good i love it too :) hehe

  3. Love your mani and your little girl is cute as can be :)

  4. Jacki, this is AWESOME! Great work =]!

  5. Adorable design! I used to love play-doh so much when I was a kid...I'd still play with it given the chance, actually!

  6. i never was a fan of play-doh (i couldnt stand the smell and neither could my mom) but these nails are seriously adorable! and the photo of your little girl is so cute!

  7. This is adorable!!! Play-doh was always one of my favorite toys as a kid, I remember several times getting a new set because I would always mush up the colors together =)

  8. Great play-doh nails! @LittleMonsterx14's comment was interesting because I never liked the smell either. However, the smell of play-doh is one of my mom's favorite smells. She played with it more than I did. Lol!

  9. That's so cute! All I can think of when Play-Doh comes to mind is the smell.... haha

  10. you ever cease to amaze. one of the cutest manis ever! :))

  11. This is too cute! And I'm surprised at the above comments, I love the smell! Haha!
