
Friday, June 22, 2012

Milani Spring 2012 CVS Exclusives!

Good morning readers, I have my final Milani Spring 2012 swatches for you today! These are apparently only available at CVS stores(and the Milani website). I have 9 polishes total to show you! So sit back and enjoy the pictures!

Just Grayt is a yellow toned gray and it was a bit difficult to apply. Took 3 coats to cover uneven spots and even then it was a bit gloopy. I ended up having to put top coat on this one to take a better picture for you.

Chocolate Sprinkles is my favorite of the CVS exclusives I'm showing you today. 2 easy coats of this gorgeous golden shimmering brown. I can definitely see myself wearing this often.

Hipster Plum was very shiny! 2 coats and a color unique to my stash. I liked it more than I thought I would!

Fuchsia Fierce was very hard to photograph. This is still not showing how pink toned it is but I gave up after I couldn't get it right in the photo editor. I had to do 3 coats of this and it was similar to the thickness at that point of Just Grayt. 

Pink and Proper has a very pretty shimmer in it similar to the one in Mint Candy! An easy 2 coater, I ended up liking this more than I expected.

U Pinky Swear is a bubble gum pink that needed 3 coats for full coverage. I always seem to have trouble with  light pink cremes when it comes to coverage issues. But I like this color so I will deal with the application to be able to wear it.

Natural Touch was an 2 coater and a very neutral nude shade. Pink toned taupe is how I would describe it. Not really my kind of color but it went on easily and if you like nude tones, this would work for you.

A Rose Mylady makes me think of my grandmother. It has a pretty shimmer and its a nude pink that would be good for any conservative polish wearer. It seems very work appropriate as well. Only 2 coats were needed.

Lastly, we have Morning Coffee. This was a 2 coater as well, a red toned medium brown. Easy application and a nice color!

What did you think of these Milani polishes? Which is your favorite? As I said above, these are only available in CVS stores but you can also buy them on the Milani website HERE for $4.49. 

Thanks for reading!

*These polishes were sent for me to review with my honest opinion.


  1. They are all gorgeous! My faves are Chocolate Sprinkles and Pink and Proper. Nice photos!

  2. what a beautiful collection!! they don't look very pretty when your looking at the bottle.. but on the nail they are ALL beautiful!! I will take all of them please!!! haha
