
Friday, June 8, 2012

Shimmer-thon Day 8-Airriann!

Good morning, readers! Time for our 8th bottle of Shimmer Polish! Today, we have Cindy's very first polish she created! Named after Cindy's friend, Airriann is mostly a pale almost neutral toned pink glitter with some other colors mixed in. There are some holo bits as well as a small amount of black hexes. I also see shimmer in this one! I think it's the only one I've noticed with shimmer! It's very delicate and would look best layered. This is 3 coats and I still see a visible nail line.

Check out the shimmer!

I used:
Orly Nail Defense
3 coats of Shimmer Polish Airriann
1 coat of Shimmer Polish Glass

I think color wise, this is my least favorite. It's probably because it's more neutral toned and I'm usually into the brighter colors. I should layer it over something and see how I feel about it, though. 

Cindy has an etsy shop HERE if you are interested in this or any of her other polishes. The polishes retail for $12 each. You can also find her blog with contact info HERE and her new Facebook Page HERE.

What do you think? Thanks for reading!

*This product was sent for me to review with my honest opinion



  1. I'm also more of a bright colors person but I love this one. I think the color is very unique and un-like other glitters I've seen and also... this color gives me a sort of... quiet, peaceful feeling.
    I think it's great for a slow weekend after a hectic week. I love it.

  2. Thank you for the compliment! It's actually one of my favorites, but I like subtle colors :D
    xoxo Shimmer
