
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dandy Nails Winter Collection Swatches!

I have a super exciting post for you, today! You know how much I loveeeee Dandy Nails, right? Well, I have the entire Winter Collection to share with you! It's gorgeous and is different from a lot of the indie brand winter/holiday collections this year with less "glitter bombs" and I love it! Even though I am a total glitter lover, it's nice to have different things in my stash. Sandy nailed it with this collection!

Click to enlarge!

Chilled Down, Highest Ground, Cashmere Night, Moonglow, and Bory-Alice!

Let's start with Chilled Down! It's a white base(although not bright white, more muted and delicate and I love it!) with gold and blue flecks. This polish is so gorgeous, the gold flecks shimmer and glow! Definitely makes me think of winter! Shown with two good coats(or you could do three thinner ones) and top coat. Make sure you let these polishes dry between coats so they don't drag because they are on the thicker side.

Look at the gold flecks shining! 

Next up, we have Higher Ground! This makes me feel like an ice princess! An ice blue shimmery base with tiny blue glitters. So lovely! Again, 2 good coats with good drying time in between coats(or even three thinner coats) and top coat. 

Cashmere Night is a MATTE! Gorgeous purple with blue flakes and pink shimmer(or teeny flecks/flakes maybe?). Shown below with two coats.

I love that the blue and pink are added making it so much better than just a matte purple. 

And because I just can't stand not knowing what a matte polish looks like shiny, I added a top coat of Poshe. HOLY MOLY!!!!!!!!!

The blue is GLOWING in the light. SO PRETTY!

Any holo lovers out there? Moonglow is up next and it's a tightly scattered light gunmetal grey. This is just two coats with one coat of top coat(yes, top coat doesn't mess with the pretty holo!). I took these outside for you when the sun peeked out this morning!

Awkward pic but it shows off so much holo!

Inside the lightbox, the light is too diffused to show off the holo but its still pretty!

The holo bits look like silver shimmer in the lightbox!

If you can believe it gets any better, I've saved the best for last! Bory-Alice (how awesome is that name!?!) is a gorgeous multichrome polish that shifts from a gold to purple, to blurple, to blue, to almost teal when it's on the nail. It's like little shimmery glass flecks that are color changing. The best part? It doesn't need to be worn over a base color! It only takes 2 coats and then you won't stop admiring your nails and tilting them in the light. I LOVE THIS ONE. There are a ton of pictures and I even put together a GIF at the end to kind of show off the color shift. Shown with top coat.
Gorgeous even in the bottle! The golden color in the bottle is hard to see on the nails because the angle to the light is so extreme. 

You can barely see the golden color on the top of my index nail in this pic.

See what I mean about it being little glass flecks that are color changing?

And for my silly GIF of my nails tilting:

Amazing, right?! 

So tell me your thoughts on this winter collection from Dandy Nails!! Do you love them as much as I do? Which are your favorites or least favorites? 

Dandy Nails Etsy Shop will be open to purchase these next friday, November 16th! Go "Like" the Dandy Nails Facebook page to get the time of the opening when she announces it! 

DandyNails links:

Thanks for reading!

*These polishes were sent for me to review with my honest opinion.


  1. OMG! Simply stunning. I WANT 'EM ALL!! Your swatches are gorgeous!

  2. OMG Amazing polishes!!!! and amazing swatches ♥

  3. I love this collection! Even if I wasn't already in love, your swatches would have totes done it for me, as with other polishes. If I had easier access to some of the polishes you show, I'd be living in a box with bottles for company.

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  5. Wow those are lovely, but I especially love Chilled Down!

  6. Cashmere Night? Ummmmm drooling over here...what a magical matte!! I am in love :)

  7. Oh wow!! I am in love with ALL of these! They are all very winter-y. Really love Bory-Alice, Higher Ground and Chilled Down. Just gorgeous!
