
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen DOES Decades, Day 3: Nintendo Nail Art!

Mr. Adventures In Acetone and I are 80's babies, so I asked his opinion to think of something to do for 80's nail art. He immediately thought of Nintendo video games! Who hasn't played some kind of Nintendo Super Mario Brothers video game in their lifetime? I'm pretty sure we even have a Mario game for our Nintendo Wii in Hailey's room. So, here is my nail art attempt at one of the controllers for the original Nintendo and a scene from Super Mario Brothers.

I'm not 100% happy with how these turned out, the lines were particularly messy but I was having a crazy morning and tried to pull through and get this mani done for the challenge anyway. I almost attempted Mario himself, but he was so pixelated back then that it seemed pretty hard on such a small scale.

I love this Super Mario Bros. nail art look my friend Ashley (from Ashley Is Polish Addicted) did a while back with adorable characters so check it out! I don't think the characters were as cute as hers with this original game version so I stuck with this little mushroom guy.

What do you think? I'm excited for this challenge and can't wait to see what I come up with for tomorrow! Thanks again for reading!


  1. These are so adorable! Your Goomba (mushroom guy) is perfect!

    1. Thank you! Haha and thanks for letting me know they were Goombas!

  2. Awesome! I always wanted a Nintendo as a kid. Never did get one though...

  3. Stop itttttt these are perfect!!! I love these so much!! You are so talented lady :)

  4. I love it!! I saw the thumbnail of the first image (you're on my blog roll) and I said OMG THOSE ARE NES CONTROLLERS and had to click :D

  5. You did a fabulous job on this!

  6. Perfect!! Ooooh I really love these!

  7. This is so cute, I loved playing Mario back in the day :)

  8. These are really great - fab idea! :)

  9. I love 80's nintendo games and i love your nails!

  10. Bah! These are so flippin' amazing! I still love this game! You did such a fabulous job!

  11. These are FABULOUS! I love all the small details you did for the background on your ring and pinkie finger :)
