
Friday, November 7, 2014

Swirls, Dots, and Pipe Dream Polish V.I.P. Pass!

Good afternoon, readers! I have a simple nail art mani to show you today. I was so excited to grab Pipe Dream Polish V.I.P. Pass at one of the last restocks and this is how I wore it! Swirls and dots are simple and eye catching, and I loved the odd color palette.

 I started with the base of Pipe Dream Polish V.I.P. Pass and let it dry. Then, I used a thin nail art brush and OPI Viking In A Vinter Vonderland to do swirls. I made sure not to make them too tight that I wouldn't fit the dots in-between the layers. The dots were done using a small dotting tool and OPI I Just Can't Cope-acabana. I sealed off the design with HKGirl Top Coat.

What do you think? Thanks so much for reading, I hope you all have a great weekend!