
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen DOES Thankfulness, Day 2: Nail Polish Friends

Good afternoon, readers! Its Thankfulness Week with The Digit-al Dozen and today I am thankful for the many awesome friends I've met over the past 3 years in the nail polish community. I started blogging when my husband was deployed to Afghanistan with the US Army. It was a lonely time for me, even with a couple friends and Hailey being a 3 year old at the time and keeping me busy during the day. I had so much free time on my hands at night when she went to bed that I found myself sucked into the world of nail art and a few nail art groups on Facebook. They turned into my online family and I am still good friends with some that I've known since the beginning.

For today's nail art, I've recreated a nail art look by one of my closest nail art friends--Ashley from Ashley Is PolishAddicted. It just so happens to be her BIRTHDAY today, so it's perfectly fitting! Happy Birthday, Ashley!

Ashley did this gradient using the Summer 2013 Zoya Pixie Dusts and I have wanted to recreate it since I saw her do it last April. She even has an awesome easy-to-follow tutorial HERE.

I started with a base coat of white creme polish to help the colors pop once sponged on the nail. Then, I followed Ashley's tutorial using all of the Zoya Summer Pixie Dusts. No top coat since I wanted the texture to stay.

Ashley is one of the sweetest people I know, online or in person and I am so thankful to be her friend. I hope you liked my recreation. Make sure you head over to her Facebook Page and wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


  1. Awww thank you so much!! Love this mani! <3 I'm very thankful to have you as a friend too!

  2. what an awesome tribute to your friend! It's SO pretty!!

  3. I'm totally in love with this mani. Yay for polish friends!

  4. I die. This is SO cool. It reminds me of snowcones in summer!

  5. This is brilliant! I love the textured rainbow!

  6. I love this type of gradient; it was a nice tribute to your friend, too!

  7. Look like yummy snowcones! Gliterry and gorgeous!

  8. This is a beautiful manicure! And polish friends are the best <3

  9. these look like sherhets - honestly, i could just like them!
