
Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen DOES Thankfulness, Day 4: Target!

Good evening, readers! For my 4th day of Thankfulness with The Digit-al Dozen, I am thankful for Target! Yes, the retail store. There are a zillion things I love about Target but some stand out more than others. I was a cashier there as my very first job at 16 years old.  About a year or two after I started working there, I met my now-husband! Mr. Adventures In Acetone began working there and it made work so much better. Cheesy, I know, but it's the truth.

Currently, the two biggest things I love about Target are the double-seater children carts and the built in Starbucks. I am at target a few times a week and it's so easy to have both kids strapped in a cart as I stroll through with a frappuccino in hand. Target is on my "making my life easier" list so today I've done some bullseyes for the store logo.

The base is 3 thin coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls. On my accent nail, I used a thin nail art brush and OPI Over & Over A-Gwen to paint the big bullseye. For my other nails, I used three different sized dotting tools to layer the white and reds for an illusion of polka dot bullseyes. I used HKGirl Top Coat to seal it all in.

Are you a target shopper? Thanks so much for reading, I can't wait to show you tomorrow's final design in our week of Thankfulness!



  1. This is super cute and I love the story!

  2. I can see how you are thankful for Target! I try to avoid Target and Walmart like the flu so don't actually shop there that often.

  3. This is gorgeous. I didn't realise you had Target in America, too. I always thought it was an Australian store. Oh, we learn something new every day. I just wish we had a Target store near our home, but they are all quite a long way away, so I rarely get to shop there anymore. Thanks for sharing your design and the information. Might try this myself, or a modified version of it. Have a great day.

  4. I didn't know you met your hubby at Target - that is so flipping cute!!!! Also, I go to Target at least twice a week! It's much closer to my house than the nearest grocery store. I go all the time.

  5. This is so adorable!!! What a great idea for a mani! ;)

  6. Who doesn't love Target?! It's the best! :)

  7. for me, this is just a brilliant red and white dot mani. Target? lol xx
