
Monday, May 12, 2014

The Digit-al Dozen DOES Decades, Day 1: Lalaloopsy Nail Art!

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Hello and good morning! It's Digit-al Dozen week again, and this month we are doing "Decades." Today's post is a stretching the theme a bit, but I have a more important announcement: it's my daughter, Hailey's, 6th Birthday today! So, I decided to twin up with my good friend Casandra over at The Mani-logues and do a mani inspired by Hailey! She is a huge fan of Lalaloopsy dolls (as are Casandra and her daughter Violet) and has been collecting them since they came out in 2010. (See, this theme totally fits in with our current decade!) We both picked some favorite Lalaloopsy dolls to recreate on our nails for Hailey! 

I grabbed these two Lalaloopsy dolls from Hailey's room after she went to school this morning! My middle finger has Mint E Stripes and my ring finger has Haley Galaxy. The accent nails next to each face represent their simple dresses.

And here is a current picture of my little pumpkin, Hailey. Happy 6th Birthday!!

If you are curious about a specific color, leave me a question in the comments  below. There were just so many polishes used in this mani that I didn't want to bore you with the list. 

What do you think of these nails? I'm hoping Hailey will love them when she gets home from school in a few hours. Don't forget to head over to see Casandra's mani today as well! Thanks so much for reading! 

*This post contains affiliate links, which means that I receive compensation if you click and make a purchase.


  1. I love this!!! I bet your daughter will love them too!

  2. These are amazing! You did a great job, they look just like the dolls :)

  3. They turned out great, Jacki! Happy birthday, Hailey! (today is my niece's 8th birthday, too!)

  4. This is so flipping cute! I bet she'll love em!!

  5. Oh my goodness... I am so clearly NOT a mom! I've never even heard of Lalaloopsy :P Your nails are great though, and I hope Hailey digs 'em!

  6. Happy Birthday to your daughter; very cute mani; I'm sure she loved it!

  7. This is absolutely adorable, Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  8. These are so cute! I bet she loved them!

  9. This is adorable! Happy (belated) birthday to your sweet little one!

  10. They're perfect! Scarlett immediately recognised Lalaloopsy - these are beyond cute! :D

  11. Awww so cute! Happy belated birthday to Hailey :) These nails are so perfect!
